
Zildjian produces samples of its products

Gen16 is a brand new division of Zildjian, historical manufacturer of plates for battery, which has entered the market with a series of samples called Digital Vault.

The series offers realistic, high-resolution samples of the dishes reference manufacturer models, including rare or limited edition products that are not available in the traditional market.

Every dish has been tested by Paul Francis, Project Manager and recorded by John Emrich guru of percussion samples.

The engine Gen16 Digital Vault is a version of the Custon FXpansion BFD Echo of an intuitive player of percussion-based technology BFD2.
BFD Echo allows you to change the tone, the mix or add effects to the samples to create your own sound.

In Digital Vault also has a comprehensive library of drum and percussion tracks created by famous drummers and available in various audio formats and General MIDI.

The packages are currently available Z-Pack, a collection of Crash, Ride and HiHat of genuine "A" and "A-Custon", S-Pack Volume 1 Crash, Ride and HiHat and prototypes of the "K" series and S-Pack Volume 2 with Gong, China, Ride, HiHat and Trashformers.

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