
"AmpKit Link" interface for iPhone and iPad

It was designed by Peavey Electronics and Agile Partners interface for electric guitar AmpKit Link for iPhone, iPad AmpKit iPhone and iPod Touch application. AmpKit The application consists of a guitar amp and effects processor, while AmpKit Link is an audio interface that allows the player to have a quality sound even on the Apple devices.

Dedicated to guitar and electric bass, can also be used with any line source (eg, keyboards, synthesizers, etc ....).
It has a headphone output and can be connected to powered speakers or any PA system. The so-called CrossTalkEliminator of AmpKit eliominare LINK allows the feedback problems that inevitably affect the interfaces for the iPhone is not powered. The interface can be used with any application for audio recording, editing or tuning.
Available free on the iTunes App Store, the application contains amplifiers AmpKit models based on vintage models can change their pasta sound depending on how the tubes are pulled. Many models include several channels: the Peavey ValveKing, for example, includes channels Clean and Lead.

Gear Store through the function can be added to 11 amps and 19 channels available on AmpKit new models, makes it infinitely expandable.

There are 15 effects pedal available and you can use up to 12 simultaneously. There are several distortions, fuzz, reverb, delay, equalizer, 10 bands, octaver, chorus, flanger, phaser, vibrato, noise gate and compressor. The free AmpKit includes three pedals, the other 12 available from the Gear Store.

In AmpKit includes 2 cabinet: Peavey ValveKing ValveKing 4x12 and 112, but in this case, you can add up to a further 11 cases are taken when new amps through the Gear Store.

The software also offers full control over the microphones used for the recovery of the virtual cabinet, allowing you to choose not only the model of the transducer, but also its placement. In addition to the two microphones as standard, there are other 6 microphones through the Gear Store, including dynamic and condenser.

In addition to the simulation of amplifiers, effects pedals, cabinets and microphones, AmpKit includes other tools needed to create a virtual guitar studio. You can record while playing with the possibility of riamplificare recording with a different sound system. You can upload your favorite songs to be able to play over the solo part, or record the backing tracks, there are finally a tuner and a metronome.

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