
involute to a sound synthesizer that specializes in Sound Morphing

Forbidden Planet is a collaboration between East and West Quantum Leap. It is a virtual instrument based on samples, which includes a synthesis engine designed specifically for the generation of ever-changing sounds. The library sampler is signed by Nick Phoenix and was built with equipment and fittings, including a NEVE 8078 console and vintage Fairchild 670 compressor legendary.

The Synth implements the proprietary system based on convolution-Q Fusina, which lets you create unique sounds and textures of timbre. There is also a wave-sequencer called Riptide, a true first fruits especially for the advanced sound designer and cunning, with melodic rhythmic movement ciu generate high-impact sound.

Among the specific noteworthy, I want to point out Deja Vu, a new concept of effects processor that provides chains as esoteric and unusual.

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